
Courses Designed/Offered

As part of my work I design and offer courses in the general area of online learning, and the intersections of technology and culture in the humanities.

Practicum in Blended and Online Learning

A 3cr. graduate course providing students an opportunity to study online and hybrid learning models and apply them to a course of their choice. Students work with a faculty member and develop the structure and sample modules for their course. This course is taught each fall semester. Recent syllabus from FS20.

Current Topics in Teaching and Technology: Focus on Arts

This 1 cr. course (co-designed with Kate Sonka and Rob Roznowski) focuses on current topics in teaching performing arts. Topics include teaching with technology in the classroom, teaching portfolio development, and communicating your teaching work to broader audience. Fall 2020 Syllabus

Humanist Perspectives on Application Development

This variable credit course provides opportunities to critically study developing technologies from a humanist perspective. We consider ethical, social, design, and other relevant issues by studying current works from a variety of authors and organizations. Our inquiry centers on looking at developing/coding/computation from a humanist lens rather than the typical technocentric lens used by many who build websites, applications, or other technologies. We consider some of the different moral, ethical, and philosophical approaches that one could take in this area through readings, hands-on work, and thinking. Recent Syllabus from Fall 2019

Technology and Culture in Detroit

A 3cr. undergraduate which engages students in studying how Detroit is/has been a hub for technology and culture over time and connects them with cultural institutions in the area to do project-based work.

Detroit in Context

This 1cr. module is a companion to the Urban Studio program launched during the 2015-16 school year and helps students to understand the historical context of Detroit and surrounding areas in order aid in their experiential work as a part of the Urban Studio program.

Pathways to Entrepreneurship

A 1cr. companion course to the Pathways to Entrepreneurship initiative we run each summer. This course has students studying the practical aspects of entrepreneurship in the context of their own projects.

Creativity and Entertainment in Los Angeles

This 2 cr. study away course brings student to Los Angeles during spring break for a high intensity week of networking and studying the entertainment industry from a technology and consumer experience perspective.

Digital Humanities Application Development

This course is a 1 cr. module which helps students develop skills in web application development for digital humanities projects. The course takes place over 10 weeks and students study the theories and methods of application development while producing an application of their own design.